
w27 | A Publication of Fashion Institute of Technology (F.I.T.)

w27 is Fashion Institute of Technology’s (F.I.T.) Publication newspaper the precursor to Hue Magazine. It is created and produced monthly by the students of F.I.T. who are involved in all aspects of production: journalism, editing, layout, budget, promotion, advertising, etc. The paper serves as the voice of the student body and covers topics of interest to the college community. The content highlights college issues and entertainment, as well as New York City and national news. Freedom of Press is protected by the editorial board and FITSA. The paper is funded by FITSA and is distributed free of charge to the college community.


1995 | w27 F.I.T. Publication: (October 2, 1995 VOLUME 54 • NUMBER 2) | Art Director • Art Direction / Creative Direction / Male Model / Stylist

w27 | Fall Fashions - On The Go…

w27 | Fall Fashions – On The Go… Riding New York’s Subway

w27 | Fall Fashions - Getting Here From Their | Casey rocking his Rollerblades

w27 | Fall Fashions – Getting Here From Their | Casey rocking his Rollerblades in Central Park

w27 | Fall Fashions - Fashion’s Super Highway

w27 | Fall Fashions – Fashion’s Super Highway

w27 | Fall Fashions - On The Go… Art Director, Casey Gobbi

w27 | Fall Fashions – On The Go… Art Director, Casey Gobbi and model enjoying a relaxing horse drawn carriage ride through Lincoln Center
