Quote of the Day: Only him that attempts the absurd is able to achieve the impossible.
Congratulations U.S. Women’s Soccer, much respect! You gals were the best team on the pitch in the Word Cup tournament by far. Your heart and grit was unmatched. Your team play advanced U.S. Soccer here in the states, now we just have to get the U.S. men’s team and coaching up to par. Winning is not everything, it is how you play and recover. Two back-to-back 1:20+ minutes games plus penalty shootouts is a lot to ask from any team, that’s why the use of subs are critical. Getting the ball in the net at all costs shoot, shoot, shoot at any chance, with no hesitation – be unpredictable. Just know that your team played better and were more deserving of the cup, but sometimes other things are at play. At least the refereeing in the finale was stellar and did not have any effect on the outcome as in other matches lately here in the 2011 Major League Soccer season.
Fellow New Yorker Abby Wambach you play offense like a defender, tough and full of grit – totally hard-core! Megan Rapinoe, I really like the rock ‘n’ roll energy you bring to the table what a difference it makes. And to Hope Solo this loss was not on you, it should have not been allowed to get to p-k’s. I only wish the U.S. guys could play with the quality and drive you gals displayed in this 2011 Germany Word Cup tournament. My hats off to you gals.
And on a design note, the 2011 U.S. Women’s Nike Soccer uniforms were sexy and had nice clean lines. Modern design, ergonomic with a less is more approach.
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